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Risk Rating and Investment Attraction

Risk Rating and Investment Attraction
The latest risk ratings for the issuance of long-term debt of Central American economies identify Panama as the most attractive country to invest in.

On March 8, Moody’s decided to raise its long-term issuer rating in foreign currency from Baa2 to Baa1, arguing that the outlook remains more favorable in the medium term.
The situation of the other countries in the region is not the same, since according to Moody’s El Salvador ratings it has a grade of B3, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, B2, Honduras, B1, and Guatemala, Ba1.

Abdiel Santiago, secretary of the Panama Savings Fund, told Martesfinanciero.com that “… The firm is announcing of our country that it has one of the most attractive debts in relation to the debt of countries with similar risk. The new opinion will have the effect of seducing risk-averse investors, which is a good thing.

Santiago added that, with the new qualification new investors, who in their “… majority are considered to be of better quality. They get as interested in ‘a country’s debt’ as they do in other investment opportunities.

Among the aspects taken into account by Moody’s in its latest rating, it is worth noting that Panama’s economic growth and fiscal indicators surpass those of most Baa rated pairs and the outlook continues to be more favorable in the medium term, and that the government has strengthened its fiscal policy framework.



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